
Training and Seminars


In the dynamic world of web technologies, continuous learning is key. At Tishk International University’s Web Development Office, we are committed to empowering our staff and students with the latest digital skills and knowledge. Our Training and Seminars services are designed to educate and enhance the abilities of our university community in managing and utilizing web technologies effectively.

Web Management Workshops:

Tailored workshops focusing on website management, content creation, and CMS usage. These sessions are designed for staff responsible for maintaining departmental websites, ensuring they have the necessary skills and confidence.

Digital Literacy Seminars:

Regular seminars on various aspects of digital literacy, including internet safety, effective online communication, and the ethical use of digital resources.

SEO and Web Analytics Training:

Specialized training in SEO and web analytics to help departments understand and improve their website’s visibility and performance.

Customized Departmental Training:

We offer customized training sessions based on the specific needs and requests of different departments, ensuring relevant and targeted learning experiences.

Latest Web Technologies Updates:

Seminars and workshops to keep the university community abreast of the latest trends and advancements in web technologies.

Interactive and Practical Sessions:

Our training approach is interactive and hands-on, allowing participants to practice and apply their learning in real-world scenarios.

Online Learning Resources:

Access to a range of online learning materials, including tutorials, guides, and video lessons, to support ongoing education and skill development.

Certification and Acknowledgment:

Participants receive certificates of completion, acknowledging their participation and the skills acquired during the training sessions.

Enhance Your Digital Expertise:

Join our Training and Seminars to enhance your digital expertise and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of web technology. Our sessions are open to all staff and students of Tishk International University, fostering a technologically proficient and digitally savvy community.